Found Metal Friday
My new heavy metal horror novel An Augmented Fourth comes out this June.
To mark the occasion I'm going to bring you '"Found Metal" on Fridays.
Found Metal is pop culture stuff I’ve dredged up from the corners of my mind and mother internet that aren’t explicitly heavy metal in and of themselves but nevertheless they still possess that unnameable thing that makes something metal. Some things just have that connotation with them and it’s hard to say exactly why. Metal is one of those things that’s impossible to define exactly but you know it when you see it.
This week's found metal comes from Alessandro Biffignandi, an Italian artist known best for his work in "Sexy Fumetti" a genre of Italian erotic horror comics mostly from the 1970s.
Ah, Italy in the 70s, what a time to be a perv and also into spooky shit. I was born in the wrong time and place.
Biffigandi has an enormous body of work. If you're not into creepy cheesecake and some occulty S/M motif, lesbian vampire exploitation it might not be your jam but I think it's hard to argue that isn't well made. A lot of it is actually kind of playful, sort of EC comics meets Penthouse forum type of vibe.
"I never thought it would happen to me but there I was, dead, on the slab, when Vicki, the dungeon keeper's flirty assistant crawled on top of me..."
Here are some more of my favorites:
" wasn't me."
There's also another great Fumetti artist named Emanuele Taglietti who made masterpieces like this:
Why are they so scared? Why? Oh, the shadow. Wait, what the fuck? Is that the snowman's or ....what the hell is going on?
They're actually a great artist but seriously, what is going in this picture?
If you got something you think is unintentionally brutal or accidentally scary send that found metal to me via an email and if I use it I'll send you some sort of prize. Hit me up at: