The Best Bad Guys, Episode 10! Tony McMillenJune 9, 2021action movie podcast, bad guys, bad guy, best bad guys, best bad guys film, best action movie, too young for this shit, tony mcmillen, michael gonzalez, Terminator, predator, big trouble in little china, die hard, hans gruber, sho nuff, tron, 80s action, 90s actionComment
Predator, Episode 06! Get to the choppa! We’re talking Predator Read More Tony McMillenMay 12, 2021sophia cacciola, nathan thomas milliner, peter leon, tony mcmillen, predator, predator movie, arnold schwarzeneggar, predator 1987, action movies, too young for this shit, action movie podcast, 80s action, horror movieComment
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Episode 03! Tony McMillenApril 21, 2021arnold, arnold schwarzeneggar, schwarzeneggar, 80s action, action movies, jesse lonergan, renee pickup, tony mcmillen, peter leon, peter leon moviesComment